Copperheads are some of the most commonly seen venomous snakes in North America. They are aggressive, and they will not think twice to attack. Luckily, their venom will rarely be fatal to humans. Their name was derived from the copper-red head of the snake. Like water moccasins and rattlesnakes, they are pit vipers with heat-sensory pits found between their nostrils and eyes. It can detect the minuscule changes in heat that allows the animal to strike the object that releases heat.
What is the Appearance of Copperhead?
Copperheads have a medium-sized body that can grow at an average of 2-3ft in length. As Smithsonian says, the head of the female Copperhead is longer than the male species. Nonetheless, the tail of the male snakes will be proportionally longer. They have a distinct pattern in their body; the dorsal pattern comes with a sequence of dark, reddish-brown, and chestnut-brown crossbands. It has a shape of a saddlebag, dumbbell, or an hourglass. The background can be pinkish, salmon, or light brown. Their crossband will have dark borders, and the lateral center will be lighter. Other non-venomous snakes will share the same coloring that leads to the death of these unsuspecting snakes.
What is the Habitat of the Copperhead?
Copperheads can be found from Northern Mexico and Western Texas to the Southern portion of New England. Based on their geographic range, the animal can be divided into five subspecies. The northern Copperhead has probably the widest range from Illinois and Massachusetts to Alabama. Copperheads can survive in different types of habitat, but usually, you will find them in forest habitats or woodlands. They can live in the canyons, desert oases, thickets close to the stream, mountains, wooded areas, and rocky places. You can find them in almost all habitats that will provide them hiding places and sunlight.
What is the Diet of Copperhead?
Copperhead can be an active hunter or an ambush predator. Usually, they will be patient until prey comes their way, but there are also instances when they hunt for their food using their pits. If it is a large prey, the animal has a habit of biting it first and immediately releasing them after injecting their venom. Eventually, the victim will die, and this snake will track the scent. If it is a smaller prey, this animal will hold it in its mouth until it dies. With their uber flexibility, they can swallow their foods whole. The mature Copperhead will only eat 10-12 meals annually.
What is the Reproduction Habit of Copperhead?
The mating season may happen in February-May and August-October. The males will engage in a ritual fight. There will be two or more snakes that will fight against the attention of the female snake. Once the male snake loses, it will not usually rechallenge the dominant male. There are instances that the female will reject her partner. If the male is too persistent, she may end up biting him. Copperheads are ovoviviparous, wherein the eggs will incubate inside and deliver live young on the summer and fall seasons.
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